Bild: Jeanett Rotter
Bild: Jeanett Rotter

You and me

feeling connected

feeling free

surrounded by trust and tolerance

freed from disgrace and distance 


 I send you some pleasant greets

I send you some peaceful thoughts


You deserve them 

because you cause them 


You make everything alright

my aura shines brighter than bright

because of you and your kindness

because of you and your tenderness

you and your honesty

you and your sympathy


I believe in you and me

because you love me

and I love thee


It's a true love

it's an authentic love

it's a soft love

it's a heeling love

it's a holy love


That's the most beautiful gift

I ever have received


It's so bountiful

so pure

so innocent


No matter where I am

I feel your love

your light


Because of your lovely treatment I know I am alright

and meant to be this being

I can feel it and I appreciate it


I never felt like this before 

and I didn't expect it to come true 

but it is

and everything fits


You are the mirror I was searching for

you are the light I was looking for


I wanted to follow you

right from the moment

when I came in touch with your elegance

to recognize your potential and your social relevance


I look in your eyes 

feel the heeling moment

a shower of recognition

I am connected with my old vision


You are a human being

who heels me

only with the holy touch of your hands

and the love of your heart


The light of your soul

fills my heart with love


I love this power

pure energy around you and me

I like it to feel you close to me


I am ready for this new love

so honest

so soft


We live our real connection

which is a sort of holy reflection


Together we write our own story

between the lines

among the words


I find everything here in my heart

which relates me to you in a familiar way


You are here to remind me that I am beautiful

thank you for that

and I love it to give you this lovely feeling


It's a special relation 

just understanding



I am the way I am

you are the way you are

und alles ist da 

einfach so


Du kleidest mein Herz mit Liebe ein

jeder mal dagewesene Schmerz kann heilen


Du bist hier

bist für mich da

bist es gerne

hältst mich


Was wir einander geben

ist nicht von dieser Welt


Findet man überhaupt Worte dafür?


Es ist kosmisch



ein irdisches vollendetes Wunder